
NFTs: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique, permanent items in the game that cannot be stacked. They serve various utilities such as equippable items for characters, rideable battle mounts to increase movement speed, and reward-boosting items.

SFTs: Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs) are permanent items that can be stacked and offer various in-game utilities, such as battle mounts.

SFT Mounts

SFT mounts are permanent items that act as rideable battle mounts, offering in-game movement speed and combat abilities. Each mount model within the SFT category is limited and exclusive.

NFT Boost

Boost Reward NFTs can be equipped to increase daily rewards by 10%, 7%, or 5%. Only one Boost NFT can be equipped per account and cannot be applied to borrowed NFT items.

NFT Equippable

Equippable NFTs (weapons, armor, etc.) are vital items within the game. They generate daily TCL rewards based on the amount of TCL stored within them. These NFTs feature dynamic on-chain attributes and can be enhanced using the TCL token. The storage capacity of these items is not static; it changes with each paid interaction using TCL or when the TCL price fluctuates.


Upon acquisition, NFTs receive TCL storage capacity that is twice the amount paid for minting. This storage aids in staking TCL on the NFT, with a limit not exceeding the storage capacity. Storage varies with the TCL price, maintaining a dollar value close to the purchase price. For example, if a player buys an NFT for 1000 TCL ($5), it will have a storage capacity of 2000 TCL ($10) at $0.005/TCL. If the TCL price doubles to $0.01/TCL, the storage adjusts to 1000 TCL ($10), remaining near the dollar value of the initial purchase. This mechanism also works inversely.

NFT Storage is reported to $ and not to the TCL

The calculation for storage is as follows:




STORAGE_OLD = 1000 * 2 / (0,005 * 200) = 2,000 TCL (10$)

STORAGE_NEW = 1000 * 2 / (0,008 * 200) = 1,250 TCL (10$)

Interaction costs are in TCL and vary with the TCL token price.

Items must be equipped for enhancement through interactions.

Loaned items can still be improved if they have not been borrowed by a player in that epoch.

All interactions require a transaction fee paid in EGLD for MultiversX, roughly $0.01 - $0.02.


NFTs are minted in waves starting from the lowest level, with next-tier items unlocking as current stocks deplete. Minting uses the TCL token, and minted NFTs come with random quality between +0 and +1, including a storage capacity double the minting price.


NFT quality can evolve from +0 to +9 using the TCL token. The upgrade process can fail, reducing the item's quality by one point unless the item is at +0. The chance of a successful upgrade decreases by 10% at each quality level, with a 90% success rate at +1 and only 10% at +9. This interaction increases storage capacity regardless of upgrade success.


NFTs can receive up to five random bonuses using the TCL token, with a 50% chance of success per bonus. Bonuses are calculated and displayed in-game only after all five are successfully added. This interaction also increases storage capacity regardless of success.


Bonuses on NFT items can be swapped after all five are successfully added, with new bonuses randomly selected.


Crystals can be added to weapons and armor depending on the item's level. Adding a crystal has a 50% success rate and is only displayed once all are added. This interaction increases storage capacity whether the addition succeeds or fails.


Crystals on weapons and armor can be changed once all are added, with new crystals added at a 50% success rate. This interaction also boosts storage capacity.


Jewelry items like bracelets, necklaces, or earrings can be enhanced by adding sockets, with a 100% chance of success and a maximum of three sockets per jewelry item.


Once sockets are added to accessories, refinements can also be added, potentially failing with a 50% success rate. Refinements enhance the base bonuses of the item, and this interaction boosts storage capacity regardless of success.


Storage can be added at any time to quickly increase an item's storage capacity, with no limit on the maximum amount that can be added. TCL tokens paid for adding storage are non-recoverable, and the storage increases by twice the amount of TCL paid, varying with the TCL price.

FREE NFT Interactions


NFT items can be equipped and used as main equipment on characters, directly influencing their power and capabilities. Only one item can be equipped per slot, and equipped NFT items can be used by all account characters if race or level requirements are met. An NFT cannot be equipped if the player has already borrowed an NFT item in the same epoch. Equipping items with or without TCL can directly influence daily TCL rewards; however, an item equipped without TCL does not generate rewards. The NFT, along with the equipped TCL, is transferred to the game's main smart contract and remains there until unequipped.


NFT items can be unequipped in the next epoch if the daily reward has been claimed or in the following epoch. The TCL equipped with the item is returned to the user's wallet along with the NFT.


The amount of TCL placed on equipped or loaned items can be increased if the storage capacity of the NFTs allows.


Items can be loaned along with a quantity of TCL within the item's storage capacity to generate daily rewards without the need for completing missions in the game. Upon claiming the reward, loaned items become available for a new loan in the next epoch. No interactions can be performed on items that have been loaned in the same epoch. The lender receives 80% of the daily rewards generated by the loaned NFT.


Loaned items can be withdrawn in the next epoch provided that the reward for that epoch has not been claimed or the items have not been borrowed. Withdrawn NFTs return to the user's wallet along with the staked TCL tokens.


Players without their own NFTs can borrow from a list of available NFT items, one per day, selected randomly. These borrowed items enable players to earn rewards by completing the daily mission. Items cannot be borrowed if the player has already equipped items. The borrower receives 20% of the daily reward generated by the borrowed item.

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